Guided Reflection

Reflect on how you are impacted by oppressive policies, and by the politics of our time. Notice whatever thoughts may arise, including thoughts about what you can or should do about the situation. Now notice whatever emotions may be present, including perhaps hurt, anger, grief, loss, frustration, or hopelessness. Notice also how you feel the impact in your body. As you pay attention to sensations and tensions, notice how they change in intensity, move around your body, ebb and flow, or remain constant.


Remember that these particular thoughts, emotions, and sensations are not all of who you are. Imagine for a moment that these experiences belong, not to you as a whole, but to a part of you. In your mind’s eye, see that part in front of you, separate from you. Notice whether that part looks as old as you are now, or perhaps younger.


Now get in touch with your wise mind/heart, who has spent years growing and developing, who has seen ups and downs, who has helped others through hard times, that wise mind/heart who is moved by nature, by beauty, by music and art. Identify with your wise mind/heart.


How do you, dear wise mind/heart, feel about the part that is so deeply impacted? Try no to go into your thoughts about why that part is so upset. Rather, stay with how you, dear wise mind/heart, feel about that upset part. Do you feel love? Compassion? Tenderness? What would you say or do in order to help that part know how you feel about it, so it knows it is not alone? Imagine yourself saying or doing these things. Take your time with this. How does that part respond? How do you feel as you notice its response? Soak in that feeling.


Stay in touch with your wise mind/heart, and with your love, compassion and care. Think of people close to you who are impacted by oppressive policies, and by the politics of our time. How do you, dear wise mind/heart, feel about those dear ones? If you were totally free, what would you say or do so those people could feel your love and care? In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself showing them your love and care. Notice how they respond in your imagnation. How can you tell that they are taking it in? How do you feel as you notice their responses? Soak in that feeling.


Stay in touch with your wise mind/heart, and with your love, compassion and care. Widen your attention to take in everyone who is impacted by oppressive policies and the politics of our time. Imagine yourself being with all of them, in the same way you imagined being with those close to you. Bring them into your circle of love, care, and compassion. Make sure you include yourself in this circle. Soak in that feeling. Breath it in. Smell it. Taste it. Savor it.


If you have it in you, consider also extending your circle of compassion to those on the other side, both those in power and those who support them. Consider that they may not feel the need to build walls, spread fear, live in fear, take control, and hurt others, if they felt safe, loved and connected with their own wise minds/hearts. Perhaps when we ourselves feel safe and loved and connected, even for a moment, we might be able to open up our own walls and let them into our hearts, even for a moment.


Whether or not that was right for you, come back now to your own circle of love, care and compassion. Soak in that feeling once again. Enjoy.

By: Lane Arye



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